This book will open your eyes to new vistas of spiritual wisdom and understanding, for it shows that Jesus was referring to the divine power, love and intelligence within our souls—the Christ within us—when he proclaimed, “Ye are gods,” and it also reveals profound meanings in many of his other statements.
In the following pages, Alexander Jones sheds light on deep, spiritual truths in the Bible, quoting from the writings of the apostles John and Tomas, Saint John of the Cross, and many others who understood these truths because they had experienced them in their own lives.
In Awaken the Christ Within You, you will discover that John of the Cross and others expounded the truth that the souls of all beings, in essence, are incorruptible, made of God by God, and that, through spiritual discipline, devotion and meditation, you can experience the divine love and light that is within you.
Many important aspects of Christian theology are explored in this book. It corrects misunderstandings that eventually became part of official Christian belief and reveals the priceless truths inherent in Jesus’ words. In bringing you the wisdom of saints and mystics who actually communed with God and experienced God’s omnipresent intelligence and light, it will assist you in awakening to the Christ within you.
Awaken The Christ Within You - Alexander Soltys Jones
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